For my second tool review, I chose to use a tool called FlashCard Friends.
Flashcard friends is a tool that allows people to make online flashcards.
When you create a new deck you categorize and sub-categorize your cards. This is because you can search for existing cards on this site. FlashCard friends even allows you to add in additional information such as course name, chapter, or the ISBN number of the book for a more specific search.
When creating a flashcard, you must have text on both sides and have the option of adding an image, sound, or symbol/accent to either or both sides of the cards. I decided to create some flashcards for my laundry class so I added the line "What is this?" and a laundry image to every front of the card and then the vocabulary word on the back.
FlashCard Friends also has a "Learn" tab which allows your flash cards to be drill practiced by a user. You can show them by a list, flip them, flash them, and even print them.
Lastly, FlashCard friends allows your cards to be tested by a user. By default, FlashCard friends turns your deck of flash cards into fill in the blank, true/false, and multiple choice questions. You have the option of changing the testing preferences by changing the amount of cards, the type of questions, what side of the card shows, and if you want immediate feedback or once it is submitted.
This tool will be great to use in not only my laundry class, but all of my classes. You could use this tool as a whole-group activity or with individual students. I already use hand-made lifeskill vocabulary flashcards in all of my classes but I see this tool being great for assessment. I currently have to take data on almost 100 IEP goals. This tool will allow me to use the "Test" tab to gather data more efficiently. I could have the students use the mobile laptops and all do the assessment at once instead of having to do them one-by-one, or wasting an entire trees worth of paper.